Monday, September 9, 2013

vocabulary # 4

1. Accolade(noun) : a ceremonial embrace, a mark of acknowledgment.
- After the Renaissance assembly my parents gave me accolades for my hard work.
2. Acerbity (noun) : the quality of being acerbic (sour/sharp mood or temper).
- The substitute teacher made his displeasure known with lots of acerbity.
3. Attrition : The act of weakening through constant bombardment. 
-  After the students treated the teacher with such attrition about the project being due so early, the teacher finally gave in and changed the date.
4.Bromide (noun) : a commonplace or a tiresome person, or a hackneyed statement or notion.
- People in college after finals are all bromides, they just need some rest to get back into their normal routines again.
5. Chauvinist: somebody who displays frantical devotion to something like race, and gender.
-The female chauvinist was always trying to find reasons why females can be considered superior over men.
6. Chronic (adjective) : marked by long duration of frequent recurrences, always present.
- The student is chronic procrastinator, she is constantly putting assignments off until the last possible moment. 
7. Expound (verb) : to set forth or to state, defend with argument.
- Critics expound their reasoning for giving a bad review, that way people understand why they didn't like it. 
8. Factionalism: The splitting of a group into factions; conflict between factions.
- In the book Divergent factionalism is practiced, the groups are split by the emotions you feel about certain events that occur in your life. 
9. Immaculate( adjective): having no stain, flaw, or error.
-An essay receiving a score of 10 on the AP test must be immaculate, because if it wasn't perfect it would receive a lower score. 
10. Imprecation(noun) : A curse.
-The prisoner was yelling imprecations at the other inmates for pranking his room. 
11. Ineluctable(adjective): not to be avoided, changed, or resisted. 
- After the student missed a couple of days of school for being sick she knew as soon as she felt better she must go to school because it was ineluctable after so many days of being absent. 
12.Mercurial( adjective) : characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood. 
- The pregnant woman was always mercurial, her husband never knew if she was happy or angry. 
13. Palliate (verb) : to reduce the violence of, to ease without curing the underlying disease; to cover by excuses and apologies. 
- After the long dispute between the mother and daughter, the daughter palliated her reasoning for sneaking out the night before. 
14. Protocol ( noun) :  the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions. 
- When President Obama is giving a public speech, it is protocol that his speech is read multiple times to ensure that it is immaculate. 
15. Resplendent ( adjective) : splendidd or dazzling in appearance. 
-When taking your senior pictures you want to appear as resplendent as possible.
16. Stigmatize (verb) to make something seem bad or disgraceful.
- When you don't like someone because of one habit they have you often stigmatize all the other habits they have as well.
17. Sub rosa (adverb): in private, or secretly.
- The FFA officers had a meeting sub rosa that way the other members didn't know the surprises that would occur at the general meeting.
18. Vainglory (noun): excessive pride especially in ones achievements.
- After the war many articles were wrote with lots of vainglory towards the winning side.
19. Vestige (noun) : a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something.
- In each locker at Righetti there is lots of vestige, it can also be known as graffiti.
20. Volition (noun) : an act of making a choice or decision.
- Kendall picked her senior picture of her own volition, she refused to take any ones opinion on the matter.

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