1. Apostate: (noun) one who forsakes his/her religion, party, or cause.
- One can be an apostate if they change their beliefs because of marriage.
2.Effusive: (adjective) marked by the expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm.
-When you arrive home from a long trip you are greeted by family members who are very effusive, and excited to see you.
3.Impasse: (noun) A situation/predicament having no obvious escape, an impassable road or way.
-In court the judge came to an impasse the convict was going to jail for what he had done with no bail.
4. Euphoria: (noun) a feeling of well being, or great happiness.
- After completing the SAT and receiving my scores I was in a state of euphoria, and couldn't stop thinking about how well hard work paid off.
5.Lugubrious: (adjective) mournful,gloomy, especially exaggerated or affectedly mournful.
- On test days students act very lugubrious towards the teacher, thinking they can complain their way out of taking the test.
6. Bravado: (noun) A pretense of bravery, A display of false courage.
- When the man talked about swimming with sharks we all assumed it was just a bravado he was putting o for the attention.
7. Consensus: (noun) A general agreement, the judgement arrived at by most of those concerned.
- After a few hours of discussion the jury came to a consensus that the man was not guilty of theft.
8. Dichotomy: (noun) A division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups.
- The way the girl presents her self is a dichotomy, she is intelligent but can be perceived as lacking clear thoughts.
9.Constrict: (verb) to make narrow or draw together, stop or inhibit.
- Your throat constricts when you swallow allowing the food to go down properly.
10. Gothic: (adjective) relating to the goths, mysterious or violent incidents when referring to literature.
- The book was a Gothic novel, which was filled with mystery and excitement.
11. Punctilio: (noun) a minute detail of conduct in a ceremony or in observance of a code, or form.
- When peer editing an essay one must look for every punctilio, in order to give good advice.
12. Metamorphosis: (noun) A change in physical form, structure, or substance, especially by supernatural means.
- Caterpillars turn into butterflies because of metamorphosis.
13. Raconteur: (noun) a person who is great in telling anecdotes.
- Teachers are often called raconteurs because they go on tangents and talk about life stories.
14. Sine qua non: ( noun) something absolutely essential.
- In order to get into your dream school it is sine qua non that you have great SAT scores.
15.Quixotic: (adjective) foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals, unpredictable.
- One can be considered quixotic if they are always changing up the way they act around certain people.
16.Vendetta: (noun) an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, hostile acts, or exchange of such acts.
- Before my parents got a divorce it was a complete vendetta every night at the dinner table about who was right or wrong.
17. Non sequtiur: (noun) an inference that does not follow from the premises, a statement that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said.
- In an argument my brother will often use non sequtiurs, throwing the conversation completely off.
18. Mystique: (noun) an air or attitude of mystery and reverence developing around something or someone.
- When there is a new student at school many people have a mystique towards him since they don't know anything about him.
19.Quagmire: (noun) soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot. A difficult, precarious or entrapping position/ predicament.
- Quick sand is also a quagmire, since they are both unsafe to walk on.
20.Parlous: (adjective) Obsolete, dangerously shrewd or cunning, full of danger or risk.
- Painting the outside of a skyscraper can make a person seem very parlous.
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