Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocab #9

1. Aficionado (noun): a person who likes, knows about and apreciates a persued interests or activity.
- I am and aficionado, because I want to be teacher and I volunteer at alicshaw. 
2. Browbeat (verb): to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech. 
- If you browbeat then you need the bully button pressed on you.
3. Commensurate (adjective): equal in measure or extent.
- Most of the speeches are commensurate. 
4. Diaphanous (adjective): vague, insubstantial. 
- The speech was very diaphanous. 
5. Emolument (noun): the returns arising from office or employment in the form of compensation. 
-The actor gets emoluments for working. 
6. Foray (verb): to ravage in search of spoils. 
-During the war the soldiers foray. 
7. Genre: a category of music, art, or literary work that is based on style or form.
- Country music is my favorite genre. 
8. Homily (noun): a usually short sermon. 
-Church is a homily. 
9. Immure (verb): to imprison. 
- When you lie you feel immure in your own words. 
10. Insouciant (adjective): lighthearted unconcern. 
-My mom is insouciant when I ask her to do things. 
11. Matrix (noun): something that something else originates from. 
-you make history matrixes off of the work in class. 
12. Obsequies (noun): a funeral of burial rite. 
- Familes always cry at obsequies. 
13. Panache (noun): dash in style and action. 
- We ware panache things everyday. 
14. Persona (noun): the personality that a person projects. 
-Stephanie has a bad persona and you see it through her adittude. 
15. Philippic (noun): a discourse or declamation full of bitter condemnation. 
- We got into a philippic after the game. 
16. Prurient (adjective): marked by arousing an unwholesome interests or desire. 
-We prurient things when we are sad. 
17. Sacrosanct (adjective): most sacrad or holy. 
-Things in church or sacrosanct. 
18. Systemic (adjective): of relating to or common to a system. 
- In class we are systemic everyday with routine. 
19. Tendentious (adjective): marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view. 
- during speeches politicans are alway tendentious. 
20. Vicissitude (noun): the state of being changeable. 
- Open source learning alows vicissitude in the classroom. 

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