Sunday, December 1, 2013

Literature Analysis "A Tale of Two Cities" By Charles Dickens

We did this as a group so for the questions I will post a link to their blogs.

1. and 2. Kylie Sagisi
3. Lindsey Wong
4. Jacob Fowler

1. Direct characterization
-"  A woman of orderly and industrious appearance rose from her knees in a corner, with sufficient haste and trepidation to show that she was the person referred to."  page 66
This is a clear example of direct characterization because Dickens is stating what the woman appears to look like and how she acts as the others are talking about her.
-" With wonderful quickness, and with a strength both of will and action, that appeared quite supernatural, he forced all these changes upon him. The prisoner was like a young child in his hands."page 431
This is another example of direct characterization because Dickens is describing what the prisoner ( Darnay) is acting like as Carton is asking him about an escape.
Indirect Characterization
-" In this age . he would have been a professor, in that age, he was a tutor" page 159
This is an example of indirect characterization because they are describing Darnay and how he is intelligent, but the author lets us conclude this by the professions he said Darnay should be or is.
-" No. I am accidentally in possession of a power over one of the keepers here, and in virtue of it I stand before you." page 430
This is another example because Carton is going to trick Darnay into an escape, so he is tricking him as they speak about why he is here. From this passage in the novel we can conclude that Carton is helpful, and passionate about helping Darnay and his family.
2. Charles Dickens syntax does change with the dialogue of certain characters, this is because some appear more educated than others so they speak better then when a drunk person is talking. I think that Dickens uses syntax and diction to help improve the characterization of each character. It also allows the readers to gain a better understanding of the characters with the different syntax's and diction's throughout the novel.
3. Lindsey Wong
4. Kendall Villa

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